Payment methods to receive payments from foreign clients in a bank account in India.
Upload files to MongoDB GridFS with Express
Create express based APIs to upload and download files to and from MongoDB GridFS.
Use Vue.js in a TamperMonkey Script
Vue.js makes handling dynamic content easy in a TamperMonkey script.
Include the script
Configure the script to include the Vue.js bundle from a CDN.
SSH Tunnels for Local Development
Enable Hibernate on Pop OS
Backup Repository with a Github Action Workflow
I always like to have a backup copy of all my important git repositories hosted on Github. I use a private repository at Gitlab to mirror each of these repositories. Currently, I have a Github Action workflow configured to copy it on any git push on any branches.
Setup a Public Samba Share
Install Samba
apt-get install samba
Create Shares
Create shares with proper permissions
Setup Snapcraft in a Github Action Workflow
executable can be installed with the snap. Recent Ubuntu versions now have snap
executable pre-installed.
Change Timezone in Debian
Using timedatectl
Current Timezone
$ timedatectl
Set Timezone
$ timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata
List Timezones
$ timedatectl list-timezones
$ timedatectl list-timezones | grep -i kolkata
Express middleware to log request / response headers
Express Middleware
Logging request and response headers for tracing purpose