#Oracle Use a dummy column Add a dummy column to all rows with value as 1.
#WD MyCloud
#Jessie Alias See if there are any alias defined for ls on your terminal
#CI ARG in Dockerfile The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the docker build command using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag.
#Git Enable Git Info Variables Enable .GitInfo object for each page (if the Hugo site is versioned by Git).
#WD MyCloud
#Jessie De-attach WD Drive You will have to open your WD MyCloud device and remove the HDD or drive inside it.
#WD MyCloud
#apt-get As Debian wheezy version has reached the end of life, the usual repositories do not exist anymore and have been moved to the archive.
#Airbnb Install ES Lint modules npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-import eslint Install Airbnb config Use the base version for Node.
#Git Stash
#Cheatsheet Git stash is a great set of commands while working on volatile porjects where you are just trying out a proof of concept or a module.
#Hydrate Lean option on Query While returning data from the database as an API response, the virtuals/methods available on a mongoose document are unnecessary.
#Serverless Spotinst is one of the providers which support deploying serverless functions or FaaS (Function as a Service).