Surge is static web publishing for Web Developers, right from the CLI.

Install Surge CLI#

npm install -g surge

Deploy with Surge#

Navigate to the public folder generated by Hugo CLI.


The site, by default, will hosted on a sub domain of

Deploy Changes#

surge --domain <your-site>

If the same domain name is not provided, another random sub domain will be prompted by Surge CLI which has to changed to original for each deployment.

Custom Domain#

A CNAME record has be added to your domain or sub domain and by setting the hostname to:

Site can now be deployed on the new custom domain.

surge --domain <>


All these steps can be added to a script for easy deployment. A script named can be created in the root folder of Hugo project with below contents.

This script will build the Hugo site and deploy it on the given domain.

surge --domain <> ./public 

Appropriate permissions has be set to make it executable.

sudo chmod 755 ./

Easy Deploy
