Glitch is a online workspace that support javascript for development with live previews.

A gitch project already has a local git repository that adds remix and review functionality. Each of the changes done to the code is automatically committed to this repository. Hence, one should NOT connect to a remote to this repository. If done, there will be unnecessary checkpoint commits in the remote repository as well when pushed.

Rather, a separate git repository can be set using the current project as working directory.

Create a separate local Git repository#

  • Create a folder for this new git repository.
mkdir .git-remote
cd .git-remote
  • Initialize an bare git repository.
git init --bare
  • Add the remote repository
git remote add orgin {{remote_git_url}}

Using new Git Repository#

  • All the git comands can be used by point the git directory to the new repository.
git --git-dir=".git-remote" {{git_options}}
  • Commits:
git --git-dir=".git-remote" commit -am "new commit"
  • Push/Pull:
git --git-dir=".git-remote" push origin master

Adding an Alias#

  • An alias can be added to glitch console by creating a .bash_profile file in project root and adding:
alias rgit=git --git-dir=".git-remote"
  • Alias can be used:
rgit commit -m "new commit"