#WD MyCloud
#Aria2 There may be other ways to install the Aria2 download utility on Debian, but this is what I follow on my almost 10 years old network hard disc device which runs on Debian 8 (Jessie).
#WD MyCloud
#apt-get Debian 8 has been superseded by Debian 9 (stretch). Regular security support updates have been discontinued as of June 17th, 2018.
#WD MyCloud
#Share Install Samba apt-get install samba Create Shares Create shares with proper permissions
#WD MyCloud
#timedatectl Using timedatectl Current Timezone $ timedatectl Set Timezone $ timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata List Timezones $ timedatectl list-timezones $ timedatectl list-timezones | grep -i kolkata
#WD MyCloud
#Jessie Alias See if there are any alias defined for ls on your terminal
#WD MyCloud
#Jessie De-attach WD Drive You will have to open your WD MyCloud device and remove the HDD or drive inside it.
#WD MyCloud
#apt-get As Debian wheezy version has reached the end of life, the usual repositories do not exist anymore and have been moved to the archive.