Generic packages on GitLab are a convenient way to manage project artifacts. It supports versioning. They can be pulled and used in other CI/CD pipelines too.
Continuous Deployment pipeline for a Subgraph
Steps to implement a continuous deployment (CD) pipeline to deploy a subgraph to The Graph’s hosted service.
Source Code: TradingView Charts for Pancakeswap Tokens
This is an informational post for my extra available at Connect me on my email for any queries or feedback.
TradingView Charts for PancakeSwap Tokens
Working with TradingView Lightweight Charts
Start a test MySQL database using Docker
Upgrade to WSL2
Upgrade an existing version 1 WSL distro to version 2.
Getting Started with Parcel.js
Publish test coverage on with a Github Action Workflow
Configure a NodeJS module to publish test coverage on with a Github Action workflow.
TamperMonkey Script to hide Facebook Sponsored Posts
This TamperMonkey script hides sponsored posts on the Facebook feed.